Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ready To Leave!

Hey guys! As many of you know, I'm headed off to the great unknown (a.k.a. Singapore) in only 24 days! I can't even believe it myself!! My awesome friends suggested blogging so that everyone can keep up to date on what I'm doing half a world away, and thanks to Meggassus I'm up and running.

Just as a brief overview of where I am now, I've been accepted to study abroad in the fast paced city/country of Singapore at the National University of Singapore.

Of course, I still don't know where I'll be living, but I would love to live in the Prince George's Park Residences. Doesn't it just look amazing?

Hopefully I'll figure out accommodation within the next few days, and then I'll be all set to go! For now though, it's back to the real world of UConn and studying for finals.


1 comment:

Fab Five said...

I'm going to miss you Reb Reb! I hope you have a wonderful trip and I hope you get decent housing that doesn't give you a midnight curfew. Love you, and good luck with finals!